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Workshop: Machine Learning for Security Analysts

Today, over a quarter of security products for detection have some form of machine learning built in. However, “machine learning” is nothing more than a mysterious buzzword for many security analysts. In order to properly deploy and manage these products, analysts will need to understand how the machine learning components operate to ensure they are working efficiently. In this talk, we will dive head first into building and training our own security-related models using the 7-step machine learning process. No environment setup is necessary, but Python experience is strongly encouraged.

Gavin Klondike is a senior consultant and researcher who has a passion for network security, both attack and defense. Through that passion, he runs NetSec Explained; a blog and YouTube channel which covers intermediate and advanced level network security topics, in an easy to understand way. His work has given him the opportunity to be published in industry magazines and speak at conferences such as Def Con, Def Con China, and CactusCon. Currently, he is researching into ways to address the cybersecurity skills gap, by utilizing machine learning to augment the capabilities of current security analysts.