
*THANK YOU for another incredible year!*

🌵 see you all again in 2025 🌵

Workshop: Violent Python 3

Level: Beginner

Even if you have never programmed before, you can quickly and easily learn how to make custom hacking tools in Python. We build tools that perform port scanning, brute-force attacks, crack password hashes, and XOR encryption. Python is among the top three programming languages in the world, for good reason: it's the easiest language to use for general purposes.

This workshop is structured as a CTF, so each participant can proceed at their own pace. The techniques will be briefly demonstrated, and we will provide tips and help as needed to make sure everyone is able to solve at least some of the challenges.

Participants need only a computer and a Web browser.

Sam Bowne has been teaching computer networking and security classes at City College San Francisco since 2000, and is the founder of Infosec Decoded, Inc. He has given talks and hands-on trainings at Black Hat USA, RSA, DEF CON, DEF CON China, HOPE, and many other conferences.

Credentials: PhD, CISSP, DEF CON Black Badge Co-Winner

Elizabeth Biddlecome is a consultant and instructor, delivering technical training and mentorship to students and professionals. She is a senior instructor for Infosec Decoded, Inc. She leverages her enthusiasm for architecture, security, and code to design and implement comprehensive information security solutions for business needs.

Elizabeth enjoys wielding everything from soldering irons to scripting languages in cybersecurity competitions, hackathons, and CTFs.